Monday 27 May 2013


funny baby

Brian: I broke lion's face, pulled tigers tail, broke cheeta's leg, I kicked elephant
John : After that what happened?
Brian: Toys shop owner kicked me out of the shop


A motorist hit a sparrow. he took the unconscious bird and put it in a cage with bread and water.
Tthe sparrow woke up next morning, looked around n said,"prison, bread and water...MY GOD, HAVE I KILLED THE MOTORIST??  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked


From his death bed, the husband called his wife and said, "One month after I die, I want you to marry Sammy."
Wife : "Samy? But he is your enemy !"
Husband: "Yes, I know that ! I have suffered all these years so let him suffer now."


Brian to Girlfriend - "Darling, I can't marry you. My family members are not accepting". Sad
Girlfriend - How many members are there in your family.
Bria : 4 members... 1 wife and 3 children   Grin Grin Grin...


The geography teacher is telling the children about monkeys. Suddenly he notices that John is not listening. "John, stop whatever it is you are doing and look at me. Otherwise you will never know what a monkey looks like!"


teacher: which is the oldest animal in the world?
John: 'zebra'
teacher: {shocked} how?
John: because it's still "black n white"


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